
The Swiss Russian Chamber of Commerce is invited to provide interviews and quick quotes. In this section, you will find a selection of our latest contributions for Swiss and Russian media channels.

About the Swiss Russian Chamber of Commerce

The Swiss Russian Chamber of Commerce is a business development association located in Zurich. The Chamber supports private companies, public organisations and opinion leaders to build commercial relationships between Russia and Switzerland. Our team provides its members with tailor-made business services such as: search for business partners, facilitate negociation between parties or represent members towards official authorities. Our business network is open to all organisations and individuals that have an interest in building bridges between Russia and Switzerland.

Do you want to learn more about the Chamber?
Feel free to contact us and we will come back to you shortly

Svetlana Chiriaeva
President of the Swiss Russian Chamber of Commerce
Dufourstrasse 60,
8702 Zollikon, Zurich
T. +41 (0)44 548 05 00
M. +41 (0)79 410 09 26